It is the policy of Branch Walkers Tree Services Ltd that employees and others be protected, so far as is reasonably practicable from risks to health and safety arising from work activities. This will be achieved by adopting a safety management strategy that will include the provision of safe working systems and appropriate procedures to cater for all significant risks. Providing and maintaining safe working environments that are without risks to health, safety and welfare. Meet our responsibilities as an employer to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent accidents, injuries and damage to health.
This policy will be supported by the issue of safety rules and general procedures. These will each be subject to review and revision by the Directors, in conjunction with the company’s competent person for health & safety. The safety Company and arrangements for implementing this policy will be publicised to all employees. It is the duty of all employees not only to read this document carefully but to take an active interest in achieving safety at work.
In order to ensure that this general statement is achieved, the following will form the company aims and objectives.
The company will comply with current applicable occupational health & safety legislation and with other requirements to which the company subscribes.
Provide the necessary information, instruction and training to employees and others to ensure their competence with respect to health and safety.
Continually improve our health & safety performance.
Ensure that when new substances, machinery, equipment, processes or work sites are introduced, adequate guidance, instruction, training and supervision are provided for safe methods of work to be developed.
Train all employees to be aware of their own responsibilities in respect of relevant health & safety matters and ensure they participate in the prevention of accidents, incidents and co-operate with measures taken to prevent industrial disease.
Work positively with all our customers and all other stake holder companies and individuals and strive to understand their needs and meet their requirements.
Give all staff working for or on behalf of the company the right to refuse to work where they have any health & safety concerns.
This policy is communicated to all staff and is made available to the public via the company’s website
This policy shall be reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis to ensure its continued effectiveness.